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Kubernetes Stateful Availability

and Recoverability

5th July, 2023 @ 12:00pm CET

Webinar - Gotowebinar



Join us in this live webinar to discuss how Stakater make state work for their  Kubernetes customers.

Stakater’s co-founder Rasheed Amir will discuss with Portworx Cloud Native Architect Anthony Hodson Stakater’s journey with their clients to put state to use in Kubernetes, discussing challenges like backup, high availability, and disaster recovery. Stakater will share their experience of using Open Source products and Portworx’s software and we’ll talk about how organizations deliver their business goals with data on Kubernetes.
Come with your questions and we’ll happily answer them in this lively panel discussion.


12:00 - 12:45
12:45 - 13:00



Online webinar using Gotowebinar



Anthony Hodson

Anthony is a Cloud Native Architect for Portworx. He’s spent his career in various roles from software delivery in Fintech, to managed services for enterprises. He has architected for Hyperscale Cloud and helped customers digitally transform with DevOps practices and software.


Rasheed Amir

Rasheed is the CEO at Stakater, a Kubernetes enablement company. Rasheed has been a Kubernetes and OpenShift aficionado in Stockholm since the early days of these technologies coming to market and has been speaking across the city.

Registrations Closed

This event has already taken place on the 6th of July 2023. If you would like to participate in one of our future events, take a look at our events page

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